Remember normal? I’m sure we all have different definitions of pre-COVID normal. Within our library community, normal included Communi-TEA on the third Friday afternoon each month. It was a chance to share sweets and savories, engage in chit chat, look at photos of new pups or grandchildren and most importantly keep in touch.
Thomaston Public Library is open; we do welcome patrons, but we cannot safely hold gatherings of 35-60 as we have in the past. At a recent Zoom meeting, book group members shared that they would love to touch base with the TPL community to just chat, say hello, and check-in without an agenda. A Zoomuni-TEA if you will.
Join us Friday, October 23, at 2:00 pm. Message us on social media, email at library@thomastonmaine.gov, or call at (207) 354-2453. We will add you to the Zoom invite. We’d love to see you even if it is virtually!