As with everything else this year, our annual Friends of Thomaston Public Library Fall Chili, Chowder and Book Sale is going to look a little different, but will be no less fun & delicious! Join us on Saturday, September 19 (rain date Saturday, September 26) between 10 am and 1 pm for a socially distanced book sale on the lawn at the library. We’ll have chili & chowder takeout, as well as baked goods and lots and lots of books for sale!
A takeout cup of chili or chowder with cornbread or roll on the side will be $6 each. Baked goods will be priced as marked. Hardcover books will be 3 for $2, and paperbacks will be $0.25 each. Cash or checks accepted.
If you are interested in donating baked goods or volunteering at the sale, please contact us at library@thomastonmaine.gov.